Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 293 online
TV 03:34:12
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Astrid Haven - 57xt474 (2002) - Fingerless

Astrid Haven
57xt474 (2002)

Libido god's got my picture on his wall
Libido child's got the spoon in his smile
The pretty pony's got a pretty little cut
The ugly mother's got her disc compiled

We are nothing but the seeds of the fruit and we are
We are growing lies
We are nothing but the seeds of your fruit and we are
We are growing lies

You cut off your hands before you ever touch God
Cancel your subscription to die
Change the number, change the color, change the shape of the bush
The scape goat is working overtime

We are nothing but the seeds of the fruit and we are
We are growing lies
We are nothing but the seeds of your fruit and we are
We are growing lies

This is the time when you are so right you're wrong
The time when the slit was a mouth all along
This is the time when you are so right you're wrong
The time when your mouth is full of shit


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