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Astrid Haven - 57xt474 (2002) - Suck For Suicide

Suck For Suicide
Astrid Haven
57xt474 (2002)

Once I can see
Nothing's bitter
Once I can breath
Nothing's bitter
Once I can fly
Nothing's bitter
Once I can die
Nothing's bitter

It breaks me
To make me
And pour me into you
The leaches
Are preachers
That taste a bitter spoon
A nuckle
Is cracking
Inside my skull is glass
More legs
And more eggs
Takes flies to make the mess
I want to stay inside you
You want to die without me
Tear me apart and have me
And make us what your needles see

I want to try
You want to die
It's so dirty inside
It's not flee
It's got to be
The suck for suicide
The pill is gray
My sinus stays
I smell the liquid here
This is exactly what I wanted

An angel
With acid
I pick her bone for bone
A widow
So passive
I suck her dry and stoned
A finger
No Trigger
Guilty and hung to bleed
She's dry
And I love the dirty seed

Overwhelming underhanded
Lost in this
Skinless God
Never going to kiss this bliss
Fading and smiling
Bleeding into hell
Clawing out of my shell
Say yes
Cords and veins holding me down
Eat me
Licking the spit from my extacy
Devils want to take my peace
Angels want to take my place


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