Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 300 online
TV 05:57:12
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Astronautalis - The Mighty Ocean & Nine Dark Theaters (2006) - My Dinner With Andy

My Dinner With Andy
The Mighty Ocean & Nine Dark Theaters (2006)

And I'm bleedin' for all my real good sense, and all the
sins that I've made
And I'm bleedin' for another good intention gone the wrong
the wrong way, wrong way, wrong way, wrong way... hey.

It's just a bit of nervousness;
I didn't mean to turn a dress from the very perfect pinkly
shade to murderous.
And now her face is verdant green. Horrified, observe the scene, I
made a mess.
I spilled a glass of finest ‘83 indeed.
Waitresses stop and stare, the patrons shockin' awful
force the forks, the plates to clank, in unison and rock their ears
and look at me.
Hope to scoop the country wolf who's under hoof, whose blunder
would be understood as social tragedy.

Never shoulda' let him in.
“I never trusted him,” I hear the people muttering
through polished teeth and chucklin'.
The tensions quick and doubling –
glance at my date's ugly grin, she tried this case and cannot
wait – erase this memory.
Won’t you see what must be done?
Waiter brings the sharpest one, now vengeance’s
Finally the taste for blood is on her tongue, I reach to clean more
wine that’s fallen.
Handkerchief in outstretched arm – too late she takes the
blade and tucks it deep inside of me.

And I'm bleedin' in front of all your friends... I can pray
you scrub the stains.
And I'm bleedin' for all my real good sense and all the
sins that I've made.
And I'm bleedin' in front of all your friends... I can pray
you scrub the stains.
And I'm bleedin' for another good intention gone the wrong

Bus boys come equipped with cups, jiggers, flutes and snifters
thrust under wounds to
catch the drops of blood before they hit the rug.
And everyone politely claps. How quick my miss did swing the
punishing the blundering, clumsy enemy.
Just before I fade to death, the maître d’ will take a
step to
my date, waive the check, and offering to take her dress,
have it cleaned, return it quick;
apologies are furnished with happiness – she didn't wait
to erase me from the scene.
And everyone goes on with lunch,
and never looking, talking of the tipping of the cup that stained
my lady's pretty outfit,
but the silence of the scene resumes as they drag me from the
erasing any trace of dirty dining history.
A decimating (?) kiss is blown.
Conversations whisper on, and talk of saving whilst protecting all
the kids at home.
I hear their eating garbage cakes.
I'll never stop till sad's erased from Webster's
dictionary page.
Think of all the cripples’ days. As bills are paid, hands are
Art discussed by mantle place.
Songs are sung to save some places.
Signs are made to protest hate.
Overwhelming damage rate – the nicotine and candle
And plans are laid by restaurateur to up security.

And I'm bleedin' in front of all your friends... I can pray
you scrub the stains.
And I'm bleedin' for another good intention gone the wrong
And I'm bleedin' in front of all your friends... I can pray
you scrub the stains.
And I'm bleedin' for all my real good sense, and all the
sins that I've made.
And I'm bleedin' in front of all your friends... I can pray
you scrub the stains.
And I'm bleedin' for another good intention gone the wrong


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