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At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul (2002) - Unto Others

Unto Others
At The Gates
Slaughter Of The Soul (2002)

You hold high the banner of self-deceit
Encaged in the dogmas of life, you join the elite

My Judas-windows stay shut - shut forever more
My Judas-windows stay shut - shut forever more

You mock the weak for not giving you their trust
In your world of make beleive, where statues turn to dust

My Judas-windows stay shut - shut forever more
My Judas-windows stay shut - shut forever more

You walk though what is me
Stare blind - cannot see
Your thoughts flee to a different land
They are free, but but you are bound.

Silenced forever, the walls are closing in
The keys to our damnation - burial within

My Judas-windows stay shut - shut forever more
My Judas-windows stay shut - shut forever more






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