Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 311 online
TV 05:50:33
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Atari Teenage Riot - 60 Second Wipe Out (1999) - Death Of A President D.I.Y.

Death Of A President D.I.Y.
Atari Teenage Riot
60 Second Wipe Out (1999)

How far can we go??? KILL! KILL! KILL!!!!!
We bring the chaos to your house!
It's a dead trap!!!!!!!!!
My life?? - Your life???? What you gonna do?????
We don't sceem for total control!
Just a start but we move fast!!!!!!!!!!!
And if you steal this record... we don't care!!!!!
And if you buy this record.... be aware!!!!!!
They want to cut an advert out of your dreams!!!!!!
NO!!!!! WHAT DO YOU SAY????!!!! NO!!!!
Cleaned up - be polite... quickly mainstreamed...
It's so dumb, man!!!!
The atari no-culture's spreading like fire!!!!!
Faced up!!!! Destroy the buy out...
Some like it hot and some are too cool -
moaning about - creating rules -
We try to survive in a society
that coordinates lives like files!
Wipe out!!!! No more criticism -
Everybody's trying to get out...
If you denounce me I put the gun up your mouth -
Take you out!!!!! And do it loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The death of a president!!!!!!! D.I.Y.!!!!!!!!
Cute execution but I won't go
Another exemption won't free me!!!
The illusion grows that we ain't exist...
Your suicide attempt glows in the dark...
The death of a president!!!! D.I.Y.!!!!!!!!
The death of a president!!!! D.I.Y.!!!!!!!!
KILL! KILL! KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KILL! KILL! KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Destroy the buy out - destroy it now...
Spread like fire! Faced up...
I can't take it anymore...
Take my eyes out of my head...
The illusion grows... that we ain't exist
How far can you go????






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