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TV 04:35:22
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ATB - Addicted To Music (2003) - Everything Is Wrong

Everything Is Wrong
Addicted To Music (2003)

Show me your disguise
My complicated soul
My insulated cold in borrowed
Show me where you'll hide
When everything is bold
When I can't even scold tomorrow
I tried to say I'm sorry
But everyone was gone
The clouds betray the story
And everything
Everything is wrong

Careful what you say
The centre never folds
The past is always gold tomorrow
I can hear you sigh
From half a smile away
The bills are never paid with sorrow

I tried to say I'm sorry
But everyone was gone
The clouds betray the story
And everything
Everything is wrong

Maybe it's too late
To start another page
To finish what we've made with violence
In between the lines
There's nothing left to say
There's nothing left to break but silence

I tried to say I'm sorry
But everyone was gone
The clouds betray the story
And everything
Everything is wrong

I tried to say I'm sorry
But everyone was gone
The clouds betray the story
And everything
Everything is wrong






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