Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 294 online
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ATB - Addicted To Music (2003) - I Don't Wanna Stop

I Don't Wanna Stop
Addicted To Music (2003)

Hey there I hope everything's alright
I forgot to call you in the winter time
Like the waves crash coming right
I've got feelings pouring down against the ceiling
While you try to trace which side I'm on
When the wind blows between us
High above this empty feeling
I Don't Wanna Stop
I Don't Wanna Stop
When the waves crash beneath us
Down below this empty feeling
I Don't Wanna Stop
I Don't Wanna Stop

Can we dance like everything's alright
Can we trade the day in for the night
Like a homesick tunnelling
I'm not breathing till I leave with you believing
I don't wanna trace another song

When the wind blows between us
High above this empty feeling
I Don't Wanna Stop
I Don't Wanna Stop
When the waves crash beneath us
Down below this empty feeling
I Don't Wanna Stop
I Don't Wanna Stop

I Don't Wanna Stop
I Don't Wanna Stop

When the wind blows between us
High above this empty feeling
I Don't Wanna Stop
I Don't Wanna Stop
When the waves crash beneath us
Down below this empty feeling
I Don't Wanna Stop
I Don't Wanna Stop






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