Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 303 online
TV 02:15:36
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Atomic Bitchwax, The - Burning Bridges - Seed Of Hate

Seed Of Hate
Atomic Bitchwax, The
Burning Bridges

The shape of all my doubts... My fear
Come closer... Trust me

Here I stand in the falling rain
There is no joy inside these tears
I see the world through a twisted and bitter stare
To be where I have been... to see what I have seen

Is it a dream?
Or can I believe...
The memories will haunt me for evermore

The shape of all my doubts... My fear
Come closer... I trusted you

I am not the man you used to know
I am different... Everything is different now
When you left me, you planted a seed of hate in me
Nothing is stronger... Stronger than this


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