Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 290 online
TV 02:41:40
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Atomic Bitchwax, The - Wages Of Sin - Behind The Smile

Behind The Smile
Atomic Bitchwax, The
Wages Of Sin

Sands of time
Running through my fingers
My life slipping away
And I feel nothing
Swallow the tears

Eat the pain - It's worth the degradation - Eat the pain

Behind the smile / I feel nothing
I reach out to touch, but I'm not really there

This reflection in the mirror
Can't reality be me
I see no connection
With who I wanted to be
Drink another glass
Swallow these pills

At the end of the rainbow
You take the bitter
The bitter with the sweet

When love dies
The angels cry
Here I am
Alone... Alone in a crowd


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