Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 302 online
TV 04:56:47
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Atreyu - Congregation of The Damned (2009) - Ravenous

Congregation of The Damned (2009)

All hail
The tip of the spear
The misguided, unyielding force
Unleashed abroad a foreign nightmare of pain
Is this what we want for ourselves?

Creep, crawl
Under your sheets
Cheat it's way through the back door
Unaffected till we are affected
Then we push for war
Then we push for war
Then we push for war

Ravenous and racing forward
Never looking back
We've killed more than we need

Knives out
We bare our teeth
Strength and pain are what rules the world
End of days and we're racing to red lights
Does that make sense to anyone else?

Deny any wrong doing
Pass the buck and then fake some more blame
Lie's a circle then we all reap the whirlwind
Then we push for war
Then we push for war
Then we push for war

Gluttonous we feed on power
Never looking back
We've killed more than we need

What goes around
Comes around
And around and around and
Hateful young men
Turn to old hateful men
What goes around
Comes around
And around and around and
Hateful young men
Turn to old dead men

Gluttonous we feed on power
Never looking back
We've killed more than we need
We've killed more than we need




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