Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 267 online
TV 01:57:15
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Audio Adrenaline - Underdog (1999) - Mighty Good Leader

Mighty Good Leader
Audio Adrenaline
Underdog (1999)

Flooded by an ocean
Of some mixed emotions
They got you down again
Pride and passion Physical attraction
Whatever thing you're in
These temptations Causing you frustrations
What you need is a friend
Someone who loves you Who is above you
Take away all your sin

Help is on the way
Help is on the way
A mighty good leader is on the way
He's the only one gonna come to save the day
It's all right, yeah, uh-huh, it's OK
'Cause a mighty good leader is on the way

Now this someone
Knows where you come from
Doesn't care where you've been
He can put back, pieces that you lack
Make you whole again






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