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Audio Learning Center - Friendships Often Fade Away (2002) - I Love Robot

I Love Robot
Audio Learning Center
Friendships Often Fade Away (2002)

Broken from the start
Bad assembly line
Sent out without spare parts
To ease you from your pain

Some how you had become
More than the sum of your parts
Along with certain problems
Came a soul, a brain, a heart

I was drawn
Like a moth
Into your light
Hard to know
For just a little while

Paper capacitors
And tube technologies
Parts wear out after awhile
Happens to everything
A sick and twisted god
If one resides at all
Doing so little for
the one I love the most

Power surge shorted out
Blew your filaments
I'll rebuild bring you back
Until we're one again

I found the last part that I need
In an old goodwill stereo
Soldered it into place
In a few more moments
I should know
Turn your switch to on




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