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Audio Learning Center - Friendships Often Fade Away (2002) - The Shell

The Shell
Audio Learning Center
Friendships Often Fade Away (2002)

Uncovering the lie
Couldn't look you in the eye
Got caught

And every time I thought we'd mend
You'd just fall apart again
It's not your fault

Cause no matter how many seeds of doubt she plants in me

I drink to numb the pain
Til everything's the same
Was barely there

Climbing up the walls
Wondering if we'll
Be the same

Cause no matter how many seeds of doubt she plants in me

I know that I will be alright
Buried encased safe inside
Built from pains and fears
That I've collected over years
I knew that I

There's a girl that thinks that she is in love with me
She believes I
And though I know she's real
Just can't bring myself to feel anything

Cause no matter how many seeds of love she plants in me

I know that I'm not - I'm not okay
Nothing can grow in here - suffocates
And I'm truly sorry dear
There's just not much left in here
I'm afraid that I




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