Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 292 online
TV 04:06:02
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Auf Der Maur - Auf Der Maur (2004) - I'll Be Anything You Want

I'll Be Anything You Want
Auf Der Maur
Auf Der Maur (2004)

Oh Love Is Fun
Care to Dance?
You're a boy
I'm a Girl
Are you ready please
Lots of fish in the sea
But is it her
Or Me?
That's right
See the light
All you need
Is me Honey
Can't you See

I'll be anything you want
You Love me more than you love yourself
On your knees, On your knees
I'm begging you darling please

Some day
I have to say
I'll be with you
Share a dance
A little dinner for two
You'll be mine
I'm yours that's fine
Everything we ever dreamed of baby
Is ours tonite


Your finished with your woman
Because she is not me






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