Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 294 online
TV 05:47:44
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Aura Dione - Columbine (2009) - Glass Bone Crash

Glass Bone Crash
Aura Dione
Columbine (2009)

I stood on ice
You broke it for fun
Shadow's in my window
Each time I try to run

And I'm scared cause
Through the telescop you see
Millions of pieces of glass in me

Glass and bone are all I see
And small blue things are watching me
Flash and bone and blood and sweat
King from you have had made

When you hold me I am blown
I wish that glass could turn to stone
Cause if it's hard I melt away
And you're a break one clumsy day

I look on wood
You bunrned it for fun
White clowns in my doorway
Each time I try to run

I'm scared cause
Through the telescop you see
Millions of pieces of bone in me

Glass and bone are all I see
Small blue things are watching me
Flash and bone and blood and sweat
King from you have had made

When you hold me I am blown
I wish that glass could turn to stone
Cause if it's hard I melt away
And sure I break one clumsy day

I wish that glass could turn to stone
I wish that glass could turn to stone




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