Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 295 online
TV 04:11:26
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Autopilot Off - Autopilot Off (2002) - Indebted

Autopilot Off
Autopilot Off (2002)

Through my eyes I see you as a hero
A super human miracle.
You remained un-fazed
By the road that faced you when
you took this world on all alone.

For all I am I owe you everything and there's no
reason to be scared anymore and I remember it.
I know you tried to mend it
I know that I'm indebted
I guess it had to grind you down
Those sleepless nights seemed endless
Stress on your mind relentless
I guess it's all behind you now that we made it.

Under the strain I had to watch you struggle
you're spirit just refused to break
And the quiet strength sings like a thousand voices
I always knew that we'd be safe






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