Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 304 online
TV 04:03:43
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Autopilot Off - Autopilot Off (2002) - Nothing Frequency

Nothing Frequency
Autopilot Off
Autopilot Off (2002)

There's static in the atmosphere
A constant interference that is killing me
I'm losing the connection here
And all the frequencies are down
And this silence seems so loud

That's why
This system shorted out
Programmed restraint before the shutting down
This system shorted our
memory fails during the crashing down.

I’m screaming at the satelites
I’m watching all the screens go black in front of me.
I’m sending out a prayer tonight
Because all the frequencies are down
and this silence seems so loud.

And as it's starting to fade out
And as we're heading underground
There is a pessimistic side of me that knows that this
might never turn itself around.






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průměrná známka: 0/5

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