Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 287 online
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Avail - 4 AM Friday (1996) - 92

4 AM Friday (1996)

sometimes when i wake up
i start to think
this can't be true
and i'm not together
so i block out all the days
that don't matter
and i raise my head
forget about what i did
and try not to think too hard
sometimes i get so happy
i hear things in my head
that were never said
i just sit alone for a while
and start talking to myself, i think
it's getting a little out of hand
try not to think too hard
i hang on the words
thinking how i blew it
with nothing left to lose
sometimes when i think about it
it just doesn't seem fair
still i stay prepared
and i work my way around it
i look deep into myself and think
this is getting a little out of hand
try not to think too hard
i hand on the words
thinking i blew it
with nothing left to lose
i play my part
it's not so hard
i just stay out of view






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