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Axel Rudi Pell - Magic (1997) - The Eyes Of The Lost

The Eyes Of The Lost
Axel Rudi Pell
Magic (1997)

Rainy days,
They sailed across the ocean,
They're called "the children of the sea",

They are the damned,
Hunted by the humans
From the palace of the king.

Circle of fools,
You're living in a mystery,
With your spirits lost and gone,
Unholy light, the dark side of the night,
Sure that no one can go on.

They rolled the dice,
From the temple of the holy
And the Moon unmasked the night.

They're chosen victims
For the hunters of the darkness
And the miracle's out of sight.

Circle of fools,
You're living in a mystery,
With your spirits lost and gone,
But the seal is broken
And the oath has been crossed
And look into the eyes of the lost, the eyes of the lost...


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