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Axxis - Access All Areas (1991) - Touch the Rainbow

Touch the Rainbow
Access All Areas (1991)

You watch the clouds and dream
Follow the flight of birds
Try to describe the feeling
But you can find no words
If you could be a bird
Then you'd be really free
Fly into the light
On to the rainbow - that you see

Touch the rainbow
And all dreams come true
Spread your wings and
Feel the breath of the wind
Touch the rainbow
And all dreams come true
Fly high - To breath the air of the sky

Colours of endless beauty
Painting the deep blue sky
Stairway to heaven
Where only eagles fly
Do you see its beginning?
Do you see its end
Only birds know the secret
As they come flyin' across the land

Touch the rainbow
And all dreams come true
Spread your wings and
Feel the breath of the wind
Touch the rainbow
And all dreams come true
Fly high-To breath the air of the sky




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