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Axxis - Collection Of Power (2001) - Shadowman

Collection Of Power (2001)

Magic Night - I can hear the voice of the shadowman...

Every night
I hear the steps in my mind
I'm freezing and feel the fear
This nightmare won't disappear

I try to touch your face
Hiding away in the haze
You're turning your head,I cry, I die
This eyes red like fire are mine

I'm gonna break the glass
I'm in a mirrorland
Everywere I go, I stay
There is no place to hide away

Magic night
I can hear the voice of the shadowman
Dream my dream there is no way out
Magic eyes
Take a look in the face of the shadowman
It's like a hellride through your mind

Wings of night
A black door to the other side
Here is the gate to the depts of my soul
When my spirit is out of control

I feel it in a daze
I watch that demon face
I know it's myself I see...
The shadowman it's me

I'm on the other side
The darkworld of dreams
I'm bad, not innocent
My other self in the mirrorland




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