Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 14°C, 278 online
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Axxis - Matters Of Survival (1995) - Another Day

Another Day
Matters Of Survival (1995)

Cold white frost melts on the green grass
As the sun begins to shine
As I wake up I was shure
That the world is gonna be mine

The first bird starts to sing
At the crack of dawn
The world is telling me
A new day is born

I feel the wind embracin' me
I'm thankful that I get to see

Another day - to live and say
I'm still alive - I've still survived
Another day - to find a way
For me to say
I still got you on my mind

Golden colours everywhere
The mornin' of my day
Words I said - things I've done
Are lost in yesterday

Like the sun find it's way
Through the night
You always fill my life with your light

Another day - to live and say
I'm still alive - I've still survived
Another day - to find my way
For me to say
I still got you on my mind

I feel the wind embracin' me
I'm thankful that I get to see

Another day - to live and say
I'm still alive - I've still survived
Another day - to find a way
For me to say
I still got you on my mind




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