Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 307 online
TV 06:04:43
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Axxis - Voodoo Vibes (1997) - World of Mystery

World of Mystery
Voodoo Vibes (1997)

No matter who you are
You gotta join in and pray...

Under the roof of god
We feel the passion of love...

Come follow me
Come follow me..

Just you and me
We will cross the world of your destiny

It's true
It's real
Falling in a world - a world of mystery

Under the shining moon we come
together and sing...
Let's take each other's hand
Feel our force deep inside

Just you
And me
We'll cross the world of our destiny

It's true
It's real
Falling in a world - a world of mystery

Just you
And me
We will cross the world of our destiny

It's true
It's real
We will cross the borderline to live for what we feel




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