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Ayria - Hearts For Bullets (2008) - Bad List

Bad List
Hearts For Bullets (2008)

Somehow it feels I'm getting more frustrated
With every tongue tied, wild eyed, overrated
Narcissistic, self absorbed spawn of a generation bored

Want to see you vulnerable, I am not your equal
Ruling with an iron fist, and you are on my bad list
A routine casualty
Razor sharp beauty queens
Bridges built are bridges burned
You will get what you deserve

What did they do,
that made you so awful
Why do you say,
the stupid things you do
The ones you've hurt,
I hope they hurt you too
The things you've done,
will eat away at you

And now I think I'm done caring
Too many mindless, self obsessed, overbearing
Misogynistic, plastic hearts
Can't wait to see you torn apart


You've made this list,
you won't be missed
You'll have to learn,
some things you don't deserve







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průměrná známka: 0/5

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