Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 299 online
TV 04:23:55
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Ayria - Hearts For Bullets (2008) - Invisible

Hearts For Bullets (2008)

I sit next to you, you look the other way
You saw me falter for one second of the day
Why am I so invisible to you?
Sometimes I hate you more than you could ever hate yourself

But I love you, would do anything for you
You don't even see that I'm in pain
Frustration became humiliation
Waiting outside for you in the pouring rain

What's left of my self worth you crushed it in your hand
Wicked game to torture me because you can
You toy with me then pull back
We're never synched in time, we blew that
The sad thing I've done the same before to someone else

I tried so hard to be someone, I never was nobody
I tried too hard to play this game, I never was the winner






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