Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 15°C, 303 online
TV 02:57:51
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Ayria - Hearts For Bullets (2008) - Six Seconds

Six Seconds
Hearts For Bullets (2008)

You know him
He’s the one that leaves you high and dry
You know this
It takes six seconds on all sides
You know him
He’ll compromise your alibi
You know him
He’ll make you feel like you cannot survive

Totally sadistic, won’t tolerate submissive
And never underestimate his drive
Couldn’t see him coming
You’re walking but he’s running
You’ll be catching up for miles

I was trained to beat you, I couldn’t get past you
Could I outlast? I couldn’t outlast you
You shouldn’t be here
Look what I can do
Don’t show me something unless it’s something new
I was trained to beat you, I couldn’t beat you

I think it takes six seconds on all sides
It’s going on forever






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