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TV 03:23:08
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Bumblefoot - Normal (2005) - Rockstar For A Day

Rockstar For A Day
Normal (2005)

I just turned 19 for the 16th time
Posing with bottles of the finest wine
I'm only seen with people just like me
So rich that we get everything for free
Spouting politics from my limosine
Because you care - About the product in my hair
About the clothes I'm gonna wear
To the event where we congratulate ourselves

I wanna be a rockstar for a day - I want my 15 minutes of fame
But I've got face that's made for radio - And my body's a disgrace
I wanna be a rockstar for a day - I wanna get botox in LA
'Cause I've got a face that's made for radio - And a voice that's made for... I don't know
But you'll love me anyway

So tell me tell me tell me - am i great?
Will you tattoo my CD cover on your face?
So do you wanna win a date with me?
We can talk all night about me me me? me?
Sitting by candlelight telling stories about by care
Because you care - About the product in my hair
About the clothes I'm gonna wear
To the event where we congratulate ourselves

I wanna be a rockstar for a day - I want my 15 minutes of fame
But I've got face that's made for radio - And I never could get laid
So I wanna be a rockstar for a day - I'm gonna get a pornstar for a date
But I've got a face that's made for radio - And a voice that's made for... I don't know
But you'll love me anyway

All of my entourage can join my fanclub membership
And get a year free for 1 friend






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